CONTEST INFO***(added 11/16) This contest started on November 1st so you will have to go to my home page for this weeks question.  Please go to my home page to see where the contest is at as this is a month long contest with weekly drawings.  Just click on Real World Martha at the top or home.*******

Today I am starting my month long contest “TIS BETTER TO GIVE THAN TO RECEIVE”. 

This month is my birthday month, Thanksgiving and the start of the Christmas season (after Thanksgiving, k?).  What better way to celebrate this wonderful month by focusing on others.  And that will be the way to win as well.

These are not daily prizes but a weekly giveaway.  That’s right, you will win the entire weeks prizes that have been featured!  Isn’t that AWESOME?

To enter this weeks prizes you must answer the question in the comments and leave a link about the contest on your blog.

This weeks question: Question for Week 1 – Tell me something that you do/done, individually or as a family, that really shows it is better to give than to receive.  Do you give food to the food bank every month?  Have you adopted a “grandma or grandpa”?  Tell me about it.

And remember only one entry a day!

Prize 1 /Week 1

Here’s just one of the prizes for this week from Julesmaeclothing

Flower Velour Headband 

Flower Velour Hairband

 “Made from a brown vintage men’s necktie overlaid with a soft green velvety ribbon. Hand embroidered details include floral embellishments and edge stitching in a salmon pink. Lined with a soft pink floral print cotton. Guaranteed a one of a kind Jules Mae Original.”

Isn’t that the cutest thing?

About Jules:
I’m just a girl who grew up in the sleepy countryside just outside of Vancouver, BC

I studied Fine Arts in Halifax, and there I discovered my love of embroidery. There seemed something so beautiful to me about this painstaking process of committing a design to a surface. My plight was to “draw quickly” with this slow process as though I were jotting down quick sketches or “memo notes”. On my daily transit to and from school I would sit and embroider on carefully chosen rescued fabrics. I still have those projects tucked away and they inspire me forward.

I’ve sewn for as long as I can remember, or at least as long as my mother would let me have-at her sewing machine. She instilled in me such a respect for the female form and how it is expressed in garments. She was an amazing woman, and is dearly missed. Now I’ve had to grow up into my own right as a dressmaker. To be honest, I wish she was around for consultation!

Fashion is about the ego. I made a decision a while back that this venture can’t be about ego, not in it’s vision, anyway. (We all know ego is difficult to evade.) There is no point in me chasing this dream if it’s only about ego. My commitment is to finding eco-friendly and socially responsible ways to get involved in making a difference in both local and international communities; in people’s lives. It’s a lofty goal, but a worthy one. I’m still working out all the logistics, and if anyone has any suggestions, I’d love to hear from you at julie(at)julesmae(dot)com.

Here is all her info:

and her ETSY Shop

Be sure to check out all her fun stuff and don’t forget to leave your comment for a chance to win this adorable headband.

Have a “Cute” Day!