I was washing my face last night-which is a rare thing- and was composing a blog.  I think I need help.

Even though I can be a girly girl I have never been one for a lot of makeup or the washing face and lotions and potions part of it.  It always seems like a good idea so I purchase some of these things but they often sit.  I am now trying to be a little more diligent as I had a precancerous thing on my lip that was treated, very painfully I might add!  Since my mother died of cancer and it runs heavily in her family I have resolved to be a little more into SPF moisturizers and such.  It also is necessary since I live in Arizona.

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Back to washing my face.  I bought these Dove cloths that already have the washing stuff in them.  All you need to do is rinse them in warm water and wash your face.  Pretty simple, when I get around to it.  But I have a tip if you use these.  TIP ALERT: If you don’t wear a lot of makeup cut them in fourths.  If you wear more makeup try half.  I just ripped mine last night and it works perfectly.  I was wasting so much before.

But wait…there’s more.  If you act now…(just kidding).  Try using the backside of the cloth to quickly wipe down your sink before you throw it away.  I love this as I have longer hair and it at least picks up some of the loose hair around.

Are you in a blogging state of mind too or is it just me?