
For those of you  familiar with this blog you may know that I value volunteering.  So I wanted to share some ideas for this Valentine’s Day:

Singles and Married with no Children – Babysit for those that have young children

Married with Young Children – Help the Single Parents

Married with Older Children – Why not go to a Retirement Home or Widow/Widower

Whatever stage of life you are in see if there is a way to reach out to those around you.  Send a card or flowers to someone, take them out to eat, offer to babysit, send a single mom for a facial, bake a cake for a neighbor, throw a party for kids in a homeless shelter.  Ask around.  There are lots of people in need right now.  I bet it won’t be hard to find out who to help.  And you know what, you will have a heart full of flowers instead of a vase 🙂

Have a “Helping” Day!

Every Christmas we watch Jingle all the Way.  The movie starred Arnold Schwarzenegger.  In case you don’t have the tradition of watching this every year I will let you know that he is on a hunt for a toy that is all sold out.  While he is out trying to fight his way through the sea of others who are hunting for the same toy, his neighbor is making the moves on his wife.  in the movie, Arnold’s Character, Howard, (Yes, I know the name!!!) calls his wife and the neighbor answers.  Howard is upset that his neighbor is answering the phone and then, to all horrors, he is eating the cookies that Arnold’s wife had made.  He yells “Put My Cookies Down!!!” to  his neighbor on the phone.

When I went to write this post all I could think of was that movie line.  We love that movie.  It didn’t win any awards, but neither do most of the movies we watch, but that’s another post all together.

But I didn’t want to share our interesting traditions.  What I did want to share with you is that it’s Girl Scout Cookie Time.  No, I don’t have a child selling.  But I recently read that you can “Put Those Cookies Down” and still support the Girl Scouts.  If you want to support two good causes in one, buy the cookies and tell the scout or scout leader to donate them.  It is my understanding that they will donate to a women’s organization or shelter.  How’s that for a double duty?

If you are a Girl Scout Leader and have some info on this, please feel free to leave more info.  Otherwise, contact your little scout that is going to ring your doorbell any minute.

Have a “Non-Fattening” Day!

This past weekend I had a party for friends to come and bring items they wanted to trade (no not children) for a swapping party.  It was a smaller turnout but I had a great time and got some great goodies.  Even though we were different sizes we all had different size clothing to trade.  Some people have lost or gained weight and need to get rid of things.  We also traded home decor, lotions/soaps (new), books/magazines, games/toys, etc!

I can’t tell you how much fun it was and plus I got about 15-30 items for FREE!  I love that!

So gather your friends over and start swapping!  Plus you have people to tell give you opinions on how things look.

Have a “Reuse” Day!

For those of you who have been reading for awhile, you may remember my 2007 12 Days of Christmas posts.  For those new, let me explain.

Our family celebrates the 12 Days of Christmas (prior to Christmas) by donating, serving, and/or volunteering on each day.  We pick different things for each day like wrapping gifts for the homeless or helping a friend in need.

Well tonight we will narrow down our choices and will be starting this weekend.  I hope you will join us.  If not for all 12 days, choose one.  Your children will get a LOT out of it!  My kids pass by the nursing home that we served homemade cookies to last year and always remember the residents there.  Even when we don’t pass by they still talk about all the wonderful things they were able to do.  It also gets all away from the “gimmes”.

Have a “Giving” Day!

I received this from my friend Anel.  You will LOVE this craft! (But if the pic doesn’t show up you won’t be able to do it…in fact PLEASE let me know if it doesn’t pull up or it won’t be useful).

My dear friends,

Somewhat embarrassing to admit, I’m not getting an annual bonus and
Christmas is tight this year. I will be making bedroom slippers for you
all as gifts. Please let me know your sizes. You’ll most likely agree
that it’s a splendid idea, and should you wish to do the same, I’ve
included the instructions below.

How to make bedroom slippers out of maxi pads:

You need four maxi pads to make a pair.
Two of them get laid out flat, for the foot part.
The other two wrap around the toe area to form the top.
Tape or glue each side of the top pieces to the bottom of the foot part.

Decorate the tops with whatever you desire, silk flowers (this is most
aesthetically appealing), etc.

These slippers are:
* Soft and Hygienic
* Non-slip grip strips on the soles
* Built in deodorant feature keeps feet smelling fresh
* No more bending over to mop up spills
* Disposable and biodegradable
* Environmentally safe
* Three convenient sizes: (1.) Regular, (2.) Light and (3.) Get out the Sand Bags.

I’ve attached a photo of the first pair I made so that you can see the
nifty slippers for yourself….

Awaiting you r response. It’s crucial that I get the right size for each
one of you.



Have a “Now That’s Funny” Day!

Have you heard of Smart Mom Jewelery?  They have a fabulous invention.  Teething rings and bracelets that have turned into a fashion statement!!!
About Smart Mom, LLC

We started our company, Smart Mom, LLC, in 2002 as a way to promote pretty and practical ideas for real Moms. Our first product line, Teething Bling pendants and bangles, has been an enormous success and we appreciate all the support and encouragement we’ve received thus far.

We use only the highest-quality, phthalate-free, federally approved silicone in our Teething Bling™ line. The material is non-toxic, latex-free, food–safe, even dishwasher-friendly! It is the same silicone used in many other popular teething products and SGS test reports are available upon request. Although we stress that this is adult jewelry not intended for children to wear, all of our pendants come with a breakaway clasp as an added safety feature.

In honor of the many mothers and children who inspire us daily, a percentage of all retail sales goes to these worthy organizations:
(in special memory of Maria Jankowski Maurer)

We hope you will check back soon to see our new product additions. We are working on several new pendant shapes as well as many new colors.

Additionally, we are working on several new products including The Babe MagnetTM tie for Dads and Nana¹s VestTM . For more information about these products, please email us at

Thank you for visiting We appreciate your interest and hope you’ll come back soon.

Kendra & Amy
Smart Mom, LLC

Plus, I also saw on their website : It’s time for our pre-holiday sale! All month long, everything is 20% off.

So if you want to pick your choice for free (plus all this weeks prizes) here’s what you need to do!  But be sure to stop on by their site.  They have some beautiful products!

1) Answer the question below in my comments.  One entry is all I need.  You DO NOT need to comment everyday to be eligible…just once. 

2) POST about my contest on your blog (but not your answer to my question-I am looking for links to my contest for others to particpate too).  I will need the direct link on my blog showing the post on your site. 

3) That’s it!!!!  Just wait to see if you are a winner of a week’s bounty of prizes.  Isn’t the EASY????


Question for Week 3 – Since this is my Birthday week tell me something that you have done on someone else’s birthday that was really special.  Did you make a cake when you usually buy one?  Or what about making a scrapbook for 6 months?

Have a “Smart” Day!

But I don’t think she’s very simple.  She is a respected blogger, an accomplished author, speaker, crafter, a wife, and a Mom.  And I am sure that’s just the tip of the iceburg.  I don’t remember how I found her blog but have loved going there for great info, mom journal entries, and biblical posts (and to look at her cute charm braclet..I LOVE charm braclets!).

Since today is my actual birthday I couldn’t be happier than to introduce her, if you don’t already know her.  You can find her blog below and a bio from her hubby.  Isn’t that great?  Proverbs 31!


Joanne’s Biography,
by her husband Toben Heim

When it comes to Joanne I am biased. After all, we have spent literally half of our lives together. Having met and dated in high school and married during our junior year of college, we have spent a lot of time together and I have known Joanne through a lot of different seasons and circumstances of life.

Some of those seasons include:

Joanne as a beautiful, smart, hard-working high school student who took a lot of AP classes and held down a part-time job at a Christian bookstore after school.

Joanne as a college student, working on two majors, helping to pay her tuition by working as a graphic designer.

Joanne as a publicist and copywriter for a publishing company, and later becoming an editor and author of a number of really good books (including her latest, Living Simply).

Joanne as a young mom, looking after two little ones and still making the time to keep a home that was always open to anyone needing a good friend and a good meal.

But this season is the best—Joanne is living out the fullness of her gifting. She is a Girl Scout leader, a Bible study leader, and a student of Scripture. She continues to develop as a writer and is an avid blogger. She is a crafty girl, spending hours in her “mad workshop” sewing and knitting and making all sorts of cool things. She is a great cook and gracious hostess.

But more than what she does, there is who she is: a great friend to her friends, a loving daughter to her parents, a doting aunt to her niece and nephew, a caring and thoughtful sister, a devoted and committed mother, and a loving and supportive wife. Of course if you already know Joanne, you know exactly what I’m talking about.


Reading, knitting, writing, decorating, collecting antique treasures, ballet

Now you want to get one of her books don’t you?  She is going to give away her book Living Simply and one of her small homemade Zippy’s.


and here is a picture of her small sippy purses:


Here’s how to win:

1) Answer the question below in my comments.  One entry is all I need.  You DO NOT need to comment everyday to be eligible…just once. 

2) POST about my contest on your blog (but not your answer to my question-I am looking for links to my contest for others to participate too).  I will need the direct link on my blog showing the post on your site. 

3) That’s it!!!!  Just wait to see if you are a winner of a week’s bounty of prizes.  Isn’t the EASY????

 Question for Week 3 – Since this is my Birthday week tell me something that you have done on someone else’s birthday that was really special.  Did you make a cake when you usually buy one?  Or what about making a scrapbook for 6 months?

Have a “Simple” Day!

First, I would like to say thanks to those who are participating in my contest.  I love hearing all the great stories on giving!  If you would please make sure you link and post about the contest on your blog that would be great and that is required to win.

If you aren’t familiar with the contest, please see here:

Today I would love to introduce to you Donna Smallin.

The One-Minute Organizer Plain & Simple Cover

Organizing expert, Donna Smallin, is the bestselling author of seven books on uncluttering, organizing and simplifying life, including The One-Minute Organizer. You may have seen her on the Early Show, HGTV’s Smart Solutions, or CNN Open House or listened to her on BBC, Lifetime, and CNN radio programs. Her tips appear frequently in Better Homes & Gardens, Woman’s Day, Woman’s World and other leading publications. One of the organizing industry’s most recognized and respected members, Donna received the 2006 Founders Award from the National Association of Professional Organizers for outstanding contributions to the industry.

‘Tis Better to Give Than Receive

An interview with Donna Smallin, bestselling author of 7 books including The One-Minute Organizer (


Deb: How do you define clutter?


Donna: Clutter is all that stuff that serves no other purpose other than to take up valuable space in you home and create unnecessary stress in your life. It’s what you end up with when you have more than meets your needs. Clutter, then, is physical proof of our abundance. Take a look around. If you’ve got clutter, you are richer than you think.


Deb: What are the benefits of uncluttering?


Donna: I see clutter as an opportunity to recognize and give thanks for the abundance in my life. By periodically cleaning out my closets and drawers and giving away what I no longer need, I am able to share my wealth and that makes me feel good. It also makes it easier for me to find and put away the things that I love and use regularly.


Deb: Why is it so hard for us to let go of clutter?


Donna: Often, we hold on to things we no longer use because we paid “good money” for those things. But what is the value of a designer suit that just hangs in your closet, getting older and dustier every year? The answer is “zippo” if it’s not being used or enjoyed. All that stuff you’re hanging on to in case you might need it someday could do immediate good in the hands of someone who really needs it right now.


Deb: What is the best way to let go?


Donna: The simplest way to donate items is to pick one place such as Goodwill or The Salvation Army that allows you to drop off everything from clothing to furniture. That way you don’t have to make a decision about what to do with every item. The decision has already been made. Domestic violence shelters are another good place to donate sheets and towels, dishes, cookware and other housewares as well as women’s and children’s clothing and toys.


Deb: What if we just can’t bring ourselves to let go of something?


Donna: If you are reluctant to let go of clothes that no longer fit, shoes you haven’t worn in years, or whatever, try this: pack it up in a box and write the word “Donate” and then date it for six months from today. If you haven’t opened the box before that date, you know you didn’t miss the items inside.


Deb: Any final thoughts?


Sharing your abundance (I’m talking about your clutter – not the stuff you love and use) will go a long way toward uncluttering your home. But the best part about donating your stuff is what you get in return – the joy that comes from giving.

Don’t you want to read her book?  The winner of this weeks prizes (all that are featured this week) will get an autographed copy!!!!!!!

To win:

Answer the question below in the comments.  Then post about my contest on your blog with a link back to it.

Question for Week 1 – Tell me something that you do/done, individually or as a family, that really shows it is better to give than to receive.  Do you give food to the food bank every month?  Have you adopted a “grandma or grandpa”?  Tell me about it.

And don’t forget to “give” this info to others so they have a chance to get to know these wonderful people and products and check out Donna’s sites:

Here’s a tip from Donna:

Organizing tip #597: Did you know that you can send real paper greeting cards from your computer — with your own handwriting font and signature? Learn how at

Have an “Organized” Day!

For those of you who are new, I am having a month long contest.  Please see the below link for details.

Today I am featuring ETSY SHOP: keyfobkellie’s

keyfobkellie’s Profile
Hi! My name is Kellie I live in Spring Texas which is outside Houston, TX.I love ribbon! I love creating things with ribbon!
My keyfobs are all made with ribbon and I have over 300 styles of ribbon so if you need it I probably have it or would love to find it for you!I accept Google Checkout and RME if you prefer to pay that way put in a message to seller that you would like Google checkout or RME and I will send you an invoice.

Because I love to shop I have lots of supplies that I do not use and sell for next to nothing in my supply shop

I love to paint pottery so I have a pottery shop for all of your one of a kind unique hand painted keepsakes.

And for my unique one of a kind jewelry pieces!

For the winner you will receive a Key Fob

Here is a picture-

Pink and White Floral Key Fob

Isn’t that great?

Now don’t you wanna win that, plus the other prizes this week?  Of course so here’s what you need to do:

Answer this question in the comments:

Question for Week 1 – Tell me something that you do/done, individually or as a family, that really shows it is better to give than to receive.  Do you give food to the food bank every month?  Have you adopted a “grandma or grandpa”?  Tell me about it.

And have a link to mmy contest on your blog.

Have a “Fob”ulous Day!

(*Added on 11/6  – After you have read about the contest, please go to my home page to see the current question and info on prizes.  From there you can scroll down and see pics of the prizes and other info.  Just click on Real World Martha or Home at the top…thanks.)

Here are the details regarding my month long November contest : “Tis Better To Give Than To Receive

Each day I will feature a product.  Most of the products are handmade which I LOVE to support.  Then, at the end of that week I will pick a winner for that weeks prizes.  You will win the entire weeks features.  Isn’t that GREAT?

To win:

Each week will have it’s own question.  You will need to answer the question in the comments (any day) and post/link my contest on your blogPlease leave me your link that directly shows the post/link for my contest on your blog.  And remember there is only one entry per day.

Here’s the breakdown:

Week 1

Question for Week 1 – Tell me something that you do/done, individually or as a family, that really shows it is better to give than to receive.  Do you give food to the food bank every month?  Have you adopted a “grandma or grandpa”?  Tell me about it.

November 1st – Julesmaeclothing/ Hairband

November 2nd – Key of Kellie/ Key Chain

November 3rd- Izznit /Fabric Grocery Bag

November 4th – Knitsational / Little Notebook

November 5th –  Donna Smalin Kuper /Book

November 6th – Nancomfortfoods

November 7th – Crunchy Clean/ Non-Toxic Detergent

November 8th – Sweetgracieforme – Whipped Body Butter

Drawing will be held for all these items on November 9th

Week 2

Question for Week 2 – Has you done a random act of kindness in the last year or has someone done one for you?  Please share about it in the comments and don’t forget to link the contest on your blog.

November 9th – BethMane10 /Holiday Tags

November 10th – Zadyball

November 11th – Under Her Charm / Necklace

November 12th – Brainscan / Coffee

November 13th – Laurenmc18/ Magnet Set and 20% for any customer that orders that mentions this contest and my blog

November 14th – Gifts of Creation/ Set of Notecards

November 15th – Marianne Richmond / Book

The winner for this weeks prizes will be drawn on November 16th

Week 3

Question for Week 3 – Since this is my Birthday week tell me something that you have done on someone else’s birthday that was really special.  Did you make a cake when you usually buy one?  Or what about making a scrapbook for 6 months?

November 16th – Elly Nelly / Wall Graphic

November 17th –  Tricia Goyer / Books Generation NeXt Marriage and A Valley of Betrayal

November 18th –  The Golden Goat / Hair Soap

November 19th – Busy Little Elf / Playdough Kit

November 20th – The Simple Wife / Book

November 21st – Smart Mom Jewelery / Pendant/Bangle Set

November 22nd – Boyfrog/ Bath Salts

The winner will be drawn on November 23rd

Week 4

Question for Week 4 – What ThanksGIVING traditions do you have?  Does your family do something special that gives to others for this Holiday? 

November 23rd – Tate’s Bake Shop / Cookie Gift Pack

November 24th – Chris Sligh CD 

November 25th – Discovery Denim / Little Heroes Cape

November 26th – Hickchicks Soap Barn/  Soap and matching lotion bar

November 29th – Karen Hossink /Book

Drawing will be on November 30th

Whew!!!!  How about that?  Are you ready to get some presents for yourself or to give as gifts?  I am so excited so let’s the word out!!!

Have a Giving Day!

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