When family was in town we took a pic after we decorated.  Sure was a fun day.  And see the new floor?  Isn’t it pretty? 


…Tast’em and see.  Does anyone remember that jingle?

I have wanted to write this post for awhile, but the problem was I couldn’t keep any summer fruit around long enough to take a picture.  I LOVE MY SUMMER FRUIT!!

But really, if you have trouble picking out fruit then I would like to help.  After all this is part of my election campaign “Eat More Fruit!”. 

Here is a picture of my favorite fruit – The Nectarine!!! 


(Sorry, I am not the best photographer in the world.  Note to self – Work on that!)

This is the white nectarine so the skin is just a little lighter, at times, but what you want is a fruit that is heavy for it’s size, color at the stem, and you want them to look the opposite of your skin:  very dark and with tons of sun spots.  This can not be replicated by machines and coloring so you know they were on a tree getting nice and sweet.

If you love summer fruit, get it now before it’s gone. 

*****ACT NOW!!!  You only have a limited amount of time before they are gone.  And if you call within the next thirtly minutes, I will throw in a good dose of Vitamins.  Call  1-888-YUMMMY!******

Have a “Fruity” Day! (Hey, am I what I eat?)

This is upsetting and I thought I should pass it along.
Check your drivers license.
Now you can see anyone’s Driver’s License on the Internet,
including your own! I just searched for mine and there it was. . .
picture and all!!Thanks Homeland Security!

I removed mine. I suggest you do the same…
Go to the web site and check it out.  Just enter your name, city and state to see if yours is on file.
After your license comes on the screen, click the box marked “Please Remove”.
This will remove it from public viewing, but not from law enforcement.
