
Today’s “Love Dare” is to purchase a gift.

For those of you catching up, I am doing the “Love Dare”, from Fireproof, on my children rather than my hubby. 

Now buying presents is my specialty so this is ok for me.  I do like buying presents.  I have many on hand.  The trick will be to give no matter what they have done today.  I am sure satan will try to sabotage this so that I won’t want to give them, but I WILL (so take that satan!).

I also have to keep from any negative comments (the first day challenge stays with me).  It’s difficult to teach your children with being negative sometimes.  I just keep practicing.

Have a “Gift Filled” Day!

For those of you  familiar with this blog you may know that I value volunteering.  So I wanted to share some ideas for this Valentine’s Day:

Singles and Married with no Children – Babysit for those that have young children

Married with Young Children – Help the Single Parents

Married with Older Children – Why not go to a Retirement Home or Widow/Widower

Whatever stage of life you are in see if there is a way to reach out to those around you.  Send a card or flowers to someone, take them out to eat, offer to babysit, send a single mom for a facial, bake a cake for a neighbor, throw a party for kids in a homeless shelter.  Ask around.  There are lots of people in need right now.  I bet it won’t be hard to find out who to help.  And you know what, you will have a heart full of flowers instead of a vase 🙂

Have a “Helping” Day!

I am 38; is that when your mid-life crisis begins? 

Ok, actually I haven’t done anything drastic, but I have noticed a change in my thinking lately.  My oldest is going to be 13 this year.  My hubby turns 40.  We will celebrate our 15th year wedding anniversary. 

As my children grow, as well as other events, I start to realize just how important it is to enjoy the “Season of Life” I am in.  Kids coming over to play, cooking meals for a family, even being busy.  I say that not to encourage busyness but to enjoy being able to go around like crazy and burning a few calories while doing so. 

If this is 38, who knows what I am going to be doing in the next few years as the Seasons begin to change.

What season of life are you in?  Are you enjoying it?

Have a “Seasoned” Day!

Every Christmas we watch Jingle all the Way.  The movie starred Arnold Schwarzenegger.  In case you don’t have the tradition of watching this every year I will let you know that he is on a hunt for a toy that is all sold out.  While he is out trying to fight his way through the sea of others who are hunting for the same toy, his neighbor is making the moves on his wife.  in the movie, Arnold’s Character, Howard, (Yes, I know the name!!!) calls his wife and the neighbor answers.  Howard is upset that his neighbor is answering the phone and then, to all horrors, he is eating the cookies that Arnold’s wife had made.  He yells “Put My Cookies Down!!!” to  his neighbor on the phone.

When I went to write this post all I could think of was that movie line.  We love that movie.  It didn’t win any awards, but neither do most of the movies we watch, but that’s another post all together.

But I didn’t want to share our interesting traditions.  What I did want to share with you is that it’s Girl Scout Cookie Time.  No, I don’t have a child selling.  But I recently read that you can “Put Those Cookies Down” and still support the Girl Scouts.  If you want to support two good causes in one, buy the cookies and tell the scout or scout leader to donate them.  It is my understanding that they will donate to a women’s organization or shelter.  How’s that for a double duty?

If you are a Girl Scout Leader and have some info on this, please feel free to leave more info.  Otherwise, contact your little scout that is going to ring your doorbell any minute.

Have a “Non-Fattening” Day!

You’ll be surprised to find out who this is…



In a supermarket, Kurtis the stock boy, was busily working when a new voice came over the loud speaker asking for a carry out at register 4.  Kurtis was almost finished, and wanted to get some fresh air, and decided to answer the call. As he approached the check-out stand a distant smile caught his eye, the new check-out girl was beautiful.  She was an older woman (maybe 26, and he was only 22) and he fell in love.

Later that day, after his shift was over, he waited by the punch clock to find out her name. She came into the break room, smiled  softly at him, took her card and punched out, then left.  He looked at her card, BRENDA.  He walked out only to see her start walking up the road.  Next day, he waited outside as she left the supermarket, and offered her a ride home. He looked harmless enough, and she accepted.  When he dropped her off, he asked if maybe he could see her again, outside of work.  She simply said it wasn’t possible.

He pressed and she explained she had two children and she couldn’t afford a baby-sitter, so he offered to pay for the baby-sitter.  Reluctantly she accepted his offer for a date for the following Saturday.  That Saturday night he arrived at her door only to have her tell him that she was unable to go with him. The baby-sitter had called and canceled. To which Kurtis simply said, “Well, let’s take the kids with us.”

She tried to explain that taking the children was not an option, but again not taking no for an answer, he pressed.  Finally Brenda, brought him inside to meet her children.  She had an older daughter who was just as cute as a bug, Kurtis thought, then Brenda brought out her son, in a wheelchair.  He was born a paraplegic with Down Syndrome.

Kurtis asked Brenda, “I still don’t understand why the kids can’t come with us?”  Brenda was amazed. Most men would run away from a woman with two kids, especially if one had disabilities – just like her first husband and father of her children had done.  Kurtis was not ordinary – – – he had a different mindset.

That evening Kurtis and Brenda loaded up the kids, went to dinner and the movies. When her son needed anything Kurtis would take care of him.  When he needed to use the restroom, he picked him up out of his wheelchair, took him and brought him back.  The kids loved Kurtis.  At the end of the evening, Brenda knew this was the man she was going to marry and spend the rest of her life with.

A year later, they were married and Kurtis adopted both of her children. 
Since then they have added two more kids. (Actually I believe they have 7 now)

So what happened to Kurtis the stock boy at a grocery store in  Cedar Falls/Waterloo, IA and Brenda the check-out girl?  Well, Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Warner now live in Arizona , where he is currently employed as the quarterback of the National Football League Arizona Cardinals and has his Cardinals in the hunt for a possible appearance in the Super Bowl.  Is this a surprise ending or could you have guessed that he was not an ordinary person.

It should be noted that he also quarterbacked the Rams in Super Bowl XXXVI. He has also been the NLF’s Most Valuable Player twice and the Super Bowl’s Most Valuable Player.

Today we have a new President.  The first African American President and history was made.  Despite differences, I am excited that our country took this stand.  I was glad to watch this history with my children and they will be able to remember this moment their children will read about.

I also have been thinking of this year for our family.  This year will be the fifth year anniversary of our youngest son placed in our home, our oldest will become an official teenager, my hubby will turn 40, and it will be our 15th wedding anniversary.  WOW!  It’s an exciting and changing time for us.

I am excited about this coming year.  Only time will tell what will happen, but I do know that it’s all flowing through the hand of God!

What does this year hold for you?  Do you see any big changes up ahead?

Have a “Changing” Day!

So it’s been almost a month.  I am a bad blogger.  With the holidays and learning a new camera I have been a bad girl.

I will do a little run down for you:

– Our 12 days of Christmas was a great success.  We were able to help lots of people and have fun.  Our run down included: Helping a friend in need, donating toys, making cards for Veterans, helping at a Senior center, Salvation Army Angel Tree, wrapping presents for prison fellowship, helping scavenger hunt, random acts of kindness, cookies to those who work on Christmas, neighborhood trash cleanup. 

– We had an amazing Christmas.  And as a bonus I get the Wii Fit which I am so thrilled about.  Boy that thing can work ya!

-I couldn’t stay up for New Years Eve of course.  I am very sleepy lately.

– I am still wondering about homeschooling and everyday I go back and forth.  Heck moment by moment.

– Our little one is having a tough time and it’s been such a challenge to get him the help he needs.  Last night we told me he is still trying to figure out if we are a nice family.  Did I mention it’s been 5 years next month?

Well that’s a little bit of what’s been going on around here.  I am still trying to get my picture thing resolved and that has been a big reason why I have been absent.  I love to add me some pics.  I promise to be more faithful!

Have a “Promising” Day!

One of the days this past week one of our projects fell through.  I guess the organization is no longer running so we doubled up our efforts at the Angel Tree.

We went to our local WalMart and picked 4 names; 3 boys and a girl of course.  It is so sad to see so many tags on them at this point.  Especially when kids are asking for shirts, jackets, and shoes!!!  And I am talking about one kid just asking for one of those not all!!!!!  Imagine what situation they are in to only ask for one shirt.

We ended up getting them what they asked and grabbed a toy and some socks.  It was a little spendy for our situation right now but totally worth it.  How many times do we not even think about spending money on ourselves and these kids are waiting for a coat! 

It was really a good feeling to help them out!  If you get a change go over to an Angel Tree and pick some names up.  Very few were asking for expensive things.

By the way, the other day we had a friend call and gave a terrific present to one of our boys (they don’t know it yet though so it’s top secret.  And while we were coming back from an event we stopped for a treat…pie.  We decided to splurge and it ended up that someone paid for our pie.  Can you believe it??????  What a blessing!!!

Have an “Angel Tree” Day!!!!

I just have to update on our event yesterday. We went to clean out one on the classrooms at our church. Well after finding many old food and other items I went to pick up a piece of pipe cleaner. Guess what? It moved!!!!!!!!! It was a centipede!!!!!! I screamed my head off! I can still feel it grabbing onto my finger. YUCK!!! I am not sure I will recover!!!

Today we went to the local Senior Center to help with their Christmas Party. Everyone was really nice. We didn’t do as much as I hoped as most people were listening to the music and not as much talking with them, but it was a good event. And they wanted to give my kids money. So all the money that they got will go to other events this week.

Have a “Un-Creepy” Day! (Did I mention EWWWWWW!)

For those of you who have been reading for awhile, you may remember my 2007 12 Days of Christmas posts.  For those new, let me explain.

Our family celebrates the 12 Days of Christmas (prior to Christmas) by donating, serving, and/or volunteering on each day.  We pick different things for each day like wrapping gifts for the homeless or helping a friend in need.

Well tonight we will narrow down our choices and will be starting this weekend.  I hope you will join us.  If not for all 12 days, choose one.  Your children will get a LOT out of it!  My kids pass by the nursing home that we served homemade cookies to last year and always remember the residents there.  Even when we don’t pass by they still talk about all the wonderful things they were able to do.  It also gets all away from the “gimmes”.

Have a “Giving” Day!

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