Well not really but it’s for the lettuce in your salad. 

For those of us who serve lots of salads in the summer here are some tips for handling your lettuce.

SELECTION AND STORAGE (taken from http://www.foodreference.com/html/artlettuce.html)

Lettuce is a delicate vegetable and great care should be taken when selecting and storing. Most lettuce is showcased on ice or in refrigeration. When selecting your leaves, be sure that they are fresh and crisp, with no signs of wilting, slim, or dark spots or edges. Remember when selecting your lettuce that the darker outer leaves are the most nutritious.

Lettuce tends to keep well in plastic bags in the crisper section of the refrigerator. Iceberg lettuce keeps the best, lasting around two weeks, while Romaine, ten days, and butterheads types and endives lasts approximately four days. The very delicate greens don’t last very long, so it’s best to buy only as much as you need at one time and use immediately.

Salad greens should not be stored near fruits that produce ethylene gases (like apples) as this will increase brown spots on the lettuce leaves and increase spoilage. Greens that are bought in bunches should be checked for insects. Those leaves that have roots should be placed in a glass of water with a bag over the leaves and then placed in the refrigerator.

And don’t forget to wash up those bags of lettuce.  As we learned from the recalls they aren’t always as clean as you think.

Don’t forget “Lettuce” give thanks for the food we have recieved.  🙂

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