But I don’t think she’s very simple.  She is a respected blogger, an accomplished author, speaker, crafter, a wife, and a Mom.  And I am sure that’s just the tip of the iceburg.  I don’t remember how I found her blog but have loved going there for great info, mom journal entries, and biblical posts (and to look at her cute charm braclet..I LOVE charm braclets!).

Since today is my actual birthday I couldn’t be happier than to introduce her, if you don’t already know her.  You can find her blog below and a bio from her hubby.  Isn’t that great?  Proverbs 31!



Joanne’s Biography,
by her husband Toben Heim

When it comes to Joanne I am biased. After all, we have spent literally half of our lives together. Having met and dated in high school and married during our junior year of college, we have spent a lot of time together and I have known Joanne through a lot of different seasons and circumstances of life.

Some of those seasons include:

Joanne as a beautiful, smart, hard-working high school student who took a lot of AP classes and held down a part-time job at a Christian bookstore after school.

Joanne as a college student, working on two majors, helping to pay her tuition by working as a graphic designer.

Joanne as a publicist and copywriter for a publishing company, and later becoming an editor and author of a number of really good books (including her latest, Living Simply).

Joanne as a young mom, looking after two little ones and still making the time to keep a home that was always open to anyone needing a good friend and a good meal.

But this season is the best—Joanne is living out the fullness of her gifting. She is a Girl Scout leader, a Bible study leader, and a student of Scripture. She continues to develop as a writer and is an avid blogger. She is a crafty girl, spending hours in her “mad workshop” sewing and knitting and making all sorts of cool things. She is a great cook and gracious hostess.

But more than what she does, there is who she is: a great friend to her friends, a loving daughter to her parents, a doting aunt to her niece and nephew, a caring and thoughtful sister, a devoted and committed mother, and a loving and supportive wife. Of course if you already know Joanne, you know exactly what I’m talking about.


Reading, knitting, writing, decorating, collecting antique treasures, ballet

Now you want to get one of her books don’t you?  She is going to give away her book Living Simply and one of her small homemade Zippy’s.


and here is a picture of her small sippy purses:


Here’s how to win:

1) Answer the question below in my comments.  One entry is all I need.  You DO NOT need to comment everyday to be eligible…just once. 

2) POST about my contest on your blog (but not your answer to my question-I am looking for links to my contest for others to participate too).  I will need the direct link on my blog showing the post on your site. 

3) That’s it!!!!  Just wait to see if you are a winner of a week’s bounty of prizes.  Isn’t the EASY????

 Question for Week 3 – Since this is my Birthday week tell me something that you have done on someone else’s birthday that was really special.  Did you make a cake when you usually buy one?  Or what about making a scrapbook for 6 months?

Have a “Simple” Day!

Well maybe.  Have you checked the state for unclaimed $$$?  Go here if you haven’t:


Have a “Rich” Day! 

And guess what, if you live in America, have a family, eat everyday, know the Lord, got a hug, have friends, etc you are rich my friend!

I thought I was back, and then I was gone again.  I am sure many can relate to balancing this blog thing.  I have been wanting to do a post about a contest I won on The Simple Wife blog and haven’t gotten to it yet.  I hope this week.

Quick update:

-Back from 3 day weekend camp trip to Mexico.  Everything is a little crazy after that of course.

– Field trip today to Ice Skating Rink.

– Really trying to focus hard on homeschooling so we are all a little more happy!

-Trying to decide which direction to take some of my side interests Pampered Chef, Blog, Business Ideas that I have, EBAY, Book Ideas, ETC!!!!  Too many interests!!!

Well that’s about it for now.  But I do have one final question:  Why is it that my stats (blog stats that is) is just as high or higher when I am not writing?  Are you all trying to tell me something?  Checking to see if I have thrown in the towel?  🙂

I need some sleep now!!

Have a “Go To Bed” Day/Night

Today is my 1st year blogging anniversary.  I have really enjoyed meeting so many wonderful people and getting a chance to just to get some of this stuff out of my head. 🙂

I would like to share 5 goals for this next year:

  • Get a customized page/website.
  • See if I need to focus on the direction of the blog a little more.?.?.?
  • Learn more about the technical side of blogging
  • Discover ways to advertise on my blog
  • Finally, have as much fun as I am but keep a budget of time on it

So, if you have any words of wisdom in any of these areas, I would appreciate your comment as a blogiversary present.  Now, you wouldn’t withhold a present on my anniversary would you?  🙂

Two more things I have to add:

– Happy Fall, for those fortunate enough to actually have a fall.  Last night, during the weather, the weather person said, and I quote, “We are continuing to cool off.  The change of season is upon us.  Today the high for Phoenix was 101.  Currently it’s 93 degrees (at 9:55 pm).”  Also in the forecast was temps 102 and 103..yippee!!!  And to top it off they had the little fall leaves on today for the 7 day forecast.  I think I will get my jacket out.  It is feeling a bit nippy outside.

– As some of you are aware we are doing some work on our house.  In the process, we have a rocking chair that I am waiting to put elsewhere.  So it’s just kind of hanging around, in a very ackward place, in our family room.  My oldest has been enjoying it there so I asked him if he realized it is not going to be there for long.    In his interior design mode he said “WHAT?”  Given the fact that I think it’s very obvious it doesn’t belong I thought everyone was on the same page.  Guess not.

Have a “Helpful” Day!

Debbie aka The Real World Martha(S)

I hate to air my dirty laundry but, I need to share this.

Dear Fall,

I have felt that I have loved you for such a long time.  My heart is anxious when I think of you.  Your beautiful colors, crispness in the air, sweatshirts, apple picking, cool nights, our time by the fireplace, and  the cozy blankets. 

I thought when I moved we would still be together at times.  I thought you would come and visit, but you rarely do.  I always have to come and travel to be with you it seems. 

I am not sure you care about me the way I care about you.  And now I am hearing others speak of you like you are coming to see them soon and not me.  Even in magazines I am hearing about your escapades.  Please don’t tell me they are just friends.  You can’t say that when you visit them and don’t come and see me.  How can I be happy knowing that you will see me far less than anyone else?

I still love you, but I don’t know how much a person can take.  I miss your beautiful face.  I don’t want to appear desperate, but I have been with summer so long and he drains me.  I need you to come and visit soon. 


Missing Fall in Arizona

Have a “Cool” Day

Have you read this book by Dr Kevin Leman? 

I have listened to him via the ParentTalk radio program for many years (not sure why he is no longer on there).  He is funny and practical.  Wish I was a little more of that sometimes.

Mu hubby and I are reading this to , of course, get a new kid by Friday 🙂

So the first day, Monday, starts with thinking about how we respond to our children.

Tuesday was about Attitude, Behavior, and Character (and that means us too..mostly us actually)

Last night was on discovering what type of parent you are:  Authoritarian, Permissive, or  Authoritative.

Authoritarian – One who is big on rules with little to no flexibility.

Permissive – Would be one who wants to be friends with their child and everyday is Disneyland

Authoritative – Is a parent who is a healthy balance between the two.  Fun but has healthy authority over the child.

So where do you fall?

Hey I think this book is more about changing me then my child 🙂

Have an “Authoritative” Day!

Here is his website for all his wonderful resources : http://www.lemanbooksandvideos.com/store/

Vacation is over and I have been trying to get back in to a routine of everything, plus get back to my business that I needed to catch up with (Pampered Chef for those who didn’t know that already), tackle the laundry, play with the animals (no not the kids), keep kids busy while on break and not on vacation anymore, and, and, and.  Well you know what I mean. 

We had a great vacation.  It is the first two week vacation we have ever done and I highly recommend it.  I know for a lot for people, us too until this year, it is not possible, but if you can swing it, do it!  I could really tell the difference having the extra time.  And don’t be one of those that say “must be nice” because well that’s just not nice now.  Work toward what you want and don’t let anything stop you, k?  Can you tell that’s a pet peeve of mine?  I hate it when someone only takes out of your life the good and never the blood, sweat, and tears that got you there.  Ok, off of soapbox now 🙂

I will be writing soon about recommendations of things we did on our trip.  I have wanted to put more pictures but it hasn’t been working right so when I have time I may be able to share those too.
How have you all been doing?  I missed all my blogging friends, acquaintances, commenter’s, etc!

Have a “Non-Routine” Day!

I received this from a friend and really enjoyed it.  I have thought about this point often as we name things (streets, buildings, etc) after people who have done great things but it doesn’t take long before no one remembers what they did and then who they were.  I hope you enjoy it. 


                        Charles  Schultz Philosophy  

The  following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz, the creator  of the ‘Peanuts’ comic strip. You don’t have to actually  answer the questions. Just read the post straight through,  and you’ll get 
the  point.

1.  Name the five wealthiest people in the world.2.  Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.

3. Name  the last five winners of the Miss America.

4. Name  ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.  

5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners  for best actor and actress.

6. Name the last  decade’s worth of World Series winners.  


How  did you do?The point is, none of us remember the  headliners of yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers.  They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies.  Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and  certificates are buried with their owners



Here’s another  quiz. See how you do on this  one:

1.  List a few teachers who aided your journey through  school.

2.  Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult  time.

3.  Name five people who have taught you something  worthwhile.

4.  Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and  special.



The  lesson:

The  people who make a difference in your life are not the ones  with the most credentials, the most money, or the most  awards. They are the ones that care  


‘Don’t  worry about the world coming to an end  today.
It’s  already tomorrow in Australia ‘  (Charles Schultz)




Aren’t  Friends and Family  Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don’t know about you but sometimes I think too “big” with ideas and such.  But what is most valuable is playing playdough with my kids or telling my hubby just how hard he works!!  Sometimes the most rewarding is what is overlooked.

Make a “Memorable” Day!  

Not too long ago I was around a person that I have known for awhile but I don’t see too often.  Now I don’t know about you but when you don’t see someone very often you don’t get to really know about their faults and problems.  It’s so easy to get wrapped up in what you think their life is like that you don’t notice they have issues just like the rest of us.  This usually can be a problem and in a little way it is but it’s also, in a weird way, helped me as well.

At first, I came away from the get together feeling a little discouraged (financially, personality, parenting, etc) but then God showed be that it could be turned into an opportunity to improve my own attitudes and life.  See I envision this person making better decisions then I may make at times.  When I get into a situation lately I am asking myself “Would XXXX handle it this way?”.  A kind of WWJD mantra (only no worship!). 

I am finding myself making some better decisions since I have encountered this person.  I really don’t think they are perfect, but I think how they might let something play out with their personality traits and it seems to work.  Crazy huh? 

I have come to realize that I don’t wanna know their imperfections, problems, and faults.  I am comfortable holding this person in high esteem and making some better decisions in my own life.  I don’t feel a need to be perfect because I know they aren’t.  I just don’t have the details of how they aren’t and that’s just fine with me.  I just needed to be challenged and this has done it.  So for now…I don’t wanna know.
Have a “Clueless” Day!   🙂   

Have you ever played that game?  It’s a fun game to do in the car.  To play you use the alphabet and go around naming things that one would take on a trip

“I’m going on a trip and I am taking an APPLE.”

The next person says “I’m going on a trip and I’m taking an APPLE and  BAGGAGE”
Until you get to Z.  This is a great memory game as well.

I thought that this was an appropriate game since I am doing my A-Z tips and today’s is T for travel.

If you are traveling this summer with your family get an autograph book that you can use as a souvenir.  Have everyone you meet sign it.  If you are going to visit relatives or friends make sure they sign it.  And encourage them to add more than their name.  If you are visiting National Parks have the Park Rangers add their name and why they love the Park you are visiting.  The kids can get anyone they meet to add their signature or comment.  You may even want your signers to add recommendations of places to visit or their favorite thing about where they live. 

This makes for a low cost project during the trip and a great keepsake afterwards.

Have a “Safe Travels” Day!

P.S. – Speaking of T…Time is running down for my first contest.  If you want to enter before I hit Z, link any of my A-Z tips on your blog and let me know about it.  I will enter you in for a terrific prize.  Check out what you will be playing for:
