I was on MSN this morning and found this article regarding 12 makeup mistakes that women make.  I am sure I have broken all of them at some point..maybe all on bad days.  Here is the list for you to check over.  Maybe I will see you in makeup jail too 🙂

(Taken from http://lifestyle.msn.com/beautyandfashion/makeupandskincare/article.aspx?cp-documentid=8621979&GT1=32001)

The Dirty Dozen: 12 Makeup Mistakes You May Be


By Sally Wadyka

In an ideal world, you would have all the various makeup products you want, have the time and money to update them each season and have the skilled hand necessary to apply them flawlessly. But even if that’s not the case, there are simple fixes you can try to help correct the most common beauty wrongs. “Makeup is a wonderful tool to enhance your look, but used correctly, it should never look fake or like you’re wearing a mask,” says New York City makeup artist Jessica Liebeskind. Here, the makeup mistakes many women routinely make, plus how to do it right.

1. Wearing too much (or too little) makeup.
“Your makeup should be time and place appropriate—so what looks perfect for a big evening event shouldn’t be the same as what you put on to go to the grocery store or the gym,” explains Liebeskind. When you consistently overdo your makeup, you run the risk of looking like you’re trying too hard. Toning it down a notch—for a more natural look—will be a better option for every day. On the flip side, Liebeskind cautions against being so afraid of looking fake or overdone that you skip makeup altogether. Her prescription for the perfect minimal makeup: A good moisturizer, under-eye concealer, blush, curl your lashes and add a sweep of lipstick or gloss.
2. Never updating your colors, products or techniques.
Still using the same eye shadow, blush and lipstick shades you fell in love with when you first started wearing makeup? Well, unless that was just last year, chances are you’re long overdue for a trip to the makeup counter. “Just like you pay attention to which jeans are currently in style—and feel outdated if you’re still wearing bootcut when the look is straight-leg—you need to pay attention to makeup trends,” says Liebeskind. That’s not to say that you have to toss and replace all your makeup every season, or that you have to wear bright red lipstick just because that’s what the models were sporting on the fashion runways. You can find ways to make the trends your own (perhaps swapping your circa 1990s brown-toned lipstick for a wine-colored stain if reds are in fashion) so that your face looks as stylish as your wardrobe.
3. Using the wrong color foundation.
You could have beautiful skin and perfect application technique, but if you’re wearing a foundation that doesn’t exactly match your natural skin tone, the results are going to look awful. By picking a shade that’s an exact match, you’ll make it very easy to get a flawless looking face. To find the right one, Liebeskind suggests trying on three—pick the one you think is the closest color match, and also try one shade darker and one shade lighter. Go to the makeup counter with no makeup on, and swipe the three shades in stripes that run from your cheek down to your neck. As you blend each one into your skin, look for the one that blends so effortlessly it literally just disappears. That will be your perfect match.
4. Over-tweezing (or ignoring) your eyebrows.
“The brows are such a central and important feature on your face,” says Liebeskind. “And when they’re well groomed they can enhance your eyes and your entire look.” If yours are out of control, it’s worth the time and money to let a professional take tweezers to them. Get a referral from a friend in order to find someone you know will do a good job. The worst thing you—or a pro—can do is to take off too many brow hairs. “As we get older, the brows naturally become more sparse, so if you tweeze your brows too thin, they might never fully grow back,” warns Liebeskind. If you follow your brows’ natural arch—but clean up the areas over, under and between brows—you’ll find the best shape. Visit a pro for a tune-up every few months and you should be able to keep them groomed on your own in between.
5. Wearing a rainbow of eye shadow shades at once.
Just because your compact came with four or more colors packaged together doesn’t mean you have to paint them all onto your eyelids at once. In fact, Liebeskind recommends using no more than three shades at a time—a medium shade on the lids, a lighter one to highlight the brow bone, and the darkest as a liner for the top and bottom lids. For a simpler, everyday application, you could skip the liner and just use a single light shade all over the lids up to the brows.
6. Not caring for your skin.
All the makeup in the world can’t compensate for skin that isn’t well primed. In order for makeup to go on smoothly and look its best, you need to think about your skin before you start to reach for your foundation or concealer. “If the skin isn’t properly hydrated, your concealer will look cakey, your blush splotchy and your foundation won’t spread evenly,” explains Liebeskind. For dry skin, slather on a rich moisturizer or a face oil before applying makeup. Oily skin will look best if you start by washing your face with a cleanser that absorbs oil and then use a lightweight, oil-free lotion that will hydrate the skin enough for makeup to go on smoothly, but won’t make the skin greasy or shiny.
7. Choosing the wrong makeup for your skin type.
Just as using the right skincare will help your makeup look better, it’s important to be sure you’re using the right makeup formulas to enhance your skin. If your skin is on the dry side, avoid powder foundations and blushes. Creamy formulas will blend better, and if you have any fine lines or wrinkles, a cream will help smooth them over (as opposed to powders which can settle into lines and make them appear more obvious). Normal to oily skin should stick to oil-free liquids and powders. And it pays to reassess your choices every so often to make sure you’re using the right formula for the skin you have now: You may have had oily skin since your teenage years, but if you are now over 40, chances are your skin is starting to shift toward the dryer side.
8. Going to bed with your makeup on.
“If you’re going to take the time to put it on, you’ve got to also take the time to take it off,” says Liebeskind. Leaving your makeup on overnight can clog your pores (not to mention getting your pillowcase dirty), plus, if you’re not removing your makeup, you’re not caring for your skin by cleansing and applying an appropriate night cream. To make a clean sweep: Use a makeup remover pad first to get rid of eye makeup and anything else that might not come off with your face cleanser (like a long-wearing lipstick).Follow with your usual facial cleanser to finish the job.
9. Paying too much attention to one feature on your face.
There’s a fine line between enhancing your favorite feature and overdoing it. “You don’t want to overcompensate so much that instead of seeing your bright, pretty eyes, all people notice is your elaborate eye makeup,” says Liebeskind. The trick is to play up your eyes more subtly and then add a little makeup to the rest of your face. For instance, just because you don’t want to call attention to your mouth doesn’t mean you have to leave it naked. Use a pretty, natural pink lipstick or gloss so that it still looks well-groomed, if not eye-catching.
10. Trying to draw on larger-than-life lips.
You’ve probably read advice from a makeup artist who suggested lining your lips outside your natural line in order to make your pout look fuller. “It’s not that it’s bad advice, but most women don’t have the technique to pull it off without looking silly,” says Liebeskind. A more foolproof approach: Apply your lipstick or gloss first and then take a pencil (in the exact same shade as your lipstick or gloss) and draw a light, thin line just at the outermost edge of your mouth. “The goal isn’t to make your lips look like you got silicone injections, but just to create the best version of what your lips can be,” she says.
11. Attempting to create contours that don’t exist.
Using darker shades of blush to try to brush on an optical illusion of more prominent cheekbones or a less prominent nose is a trick best left to professionals making someone up for photography or film. This is one technique that rarely works in the real world. No matter how skilled you are with the makeup brush, it’s nearly impossible to use dark colors that aren’t glaringly obvious when viewed in person, especially in broad daylight. Focus instead on pretty, soft makeup that plays up your best features.
12. Confusing concealer with cover up.
They may sound like they are intended to serve the same purpose, but according to Liebeskind, there is a big difference between the two. Concealer is what you use under your eyes to disguise dark circles and brighten the skin. It should be creamy in consistency and should be one or two shades lighter than your perfectly-matched foundation. Cover up—which should be used to camouflage blemishes or other flaws—needs to be exactly the same shade as your foundation. In fact, unless you want a treated cover up (designed to help dry up pimples), your foundation can double as your cover up. Use a small foundation brush to dab the product onto the blemish and set with translucent pressed powder.


Sally Wadyka is a freelance writer whose work appears regularly in Shape, Runner’s World and Real Simple.


The “B” tip for the day will be for BEAUTY. 

Take time for a Mom Spa Night.  Either do by yourself or with some friends.

Gather up –

  • A Robe (if you own one)
  • Slippers
  • Pitcher of Water with Lemon Slices (clean the skin of the lemon first) and maybe some Tea
  • Some Light Food such as Fruit, Veggies, Bread/Crackers, and Cheese
  • Soft Music
  • Candles or Soften the lights
  • A Journal (if alone) and make sure to write down 10 of your Blessings if with some friends have everyone go around the room to give their list of blessings
  • Powdered Milk or 5 tea bags for a nice bath (if it’s just you)
  • Something to soak your feet in
  • Make a homemade beauty product to try (I have a couple of recipes below that you can try)
  • Items for a manicure or pedicure
  • Maybe a Chick Flick
  • Lotion (get your favorite)

Fresh Face Cleanser

1 Tbsp Plain or Vanilla Yogurt

3/4 c Lemon Juice

Mix together and ally to face.  Rinse with warm water

Hand Softner

Wash hands in warm water.

1 Tbsp Honey

1 Tbsp Olive Oil

Massage into hands.  Cover hands with saran wrap, baggies, or cotton gloves for 30 min.

It may seem like this is bigger than just a tip but the point is to take time for yourself.  Our Mom job require us to be refreshed and feeling good about ourselves.  So plan your day now and put it on the calendar!  That’s an order 🙂

DON’T FORGET – If you ping or link back to my post on your blog (any tip A-Z) you will enter for a chance to win in my first contest.  If you don’t have a blog, leave a comment and let me know that you don’t have a blog and I will put you in the running.

Have a “Beautiful” Day

Here’s a bit of my first in person get together with a fellow blogger. 

I have been truly blessed to get to know such wonderful people via blogging.  However, up until now I haven’t had a chance to meet anyone in person.  Yesterday my family and I had a wonderful opportunity to have dinner with another blogger, mythbusterbeauty , and part of her family. 

I was a little nervous about meeting a beauty blog expert as I am so not!  I barely know what I am doing and this is the first year I have even worn moisturizer, sometimes foundation, and tried to clean my face regularly.  I thought oh no what will she say about my “stay at home mom and try to put a face on” face or my “I don’t have time to get a haircut I cut my own bangs” unruly curly/wavy hair.  But she was as sweet as can be and didn’t mention it at all…thanks Jen 🙂  Although I didn’t get a makeover. 

We met at the Cheesecake Factory to which I have only been to once before, with a friend, about 5 years ago.  My hubby and boys had never been before.  My boys could have played with the revolving door all day.  I don’t think they have ever been in one before or at least it didn’t seem that way.  It was like an amusement park!  See it just goes to show that if you keep it simple with kids even a revolving door will impress them 🙂

It was good food however the best part of the evening was getting a chance to visit with Jen and her hubby and beautiful baby.  My family and I really enjoyed getting to know them.  What wonderful, fun, and kind people!!! 

Here are a few pics from the evening:


That’s my hubby, me, and our two boys with Jen and her beautiful baby girl!  Can you believe Jen has had 5 children?  If I had five I think I would resemble a Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Balloon.  She is teeny tiny and beautiful inside and out!


Here we are with hubby’s changed up for the pic.  Jen, her hubby, and baby girl with me and the boys.

This morning my oldest was talking about living where there is a lot of snow like Ms. Jen.  He said “Wow, they came all the way down here just to have dinner with us?”  I said “No, they came for a meeting.”  But that doesn’t surprise me that he thought that.  They were so nice and easy going that it was like when we meet up with all our friends.  To him, and me, it didn’t feel like people we had never met before! 

Hope we meet up again Mythbusterbeauty!

Make sure to check out her blog!  It’s terrific!  mythbusterbeauty

Have a “Friendly” Day!

It’s always hard to know what to do to make a difference in this world.  Sometimes as a mom, who is indoors most of the time, it’s overwhelming.  Of course I am making a difference in my children’s lives, hopefully for the better, but my children will know goodwill by my actions toward others.  I have learned that often it’s seeking out little moments that can make a difference.

Here are a few ideas and if you have some please don’t forget to share them, k?  I know many of them aren’t that original but it may get you thinking of something that works for you to incorporate into your day to bring a smile to another person’s face.

  1. Are there any families in your church, neighborhood, or circle of friends that are struggling financially?  Can you take some groceries or send a card to encourage them during this time?
  2. Compliment someone that you see today.  This is great for children to see that compliments are for more than just the family.  And I bet it will also make the person’s day.
  3. Be kind on the road.  Say a prayer for all those involved in an accident (if you pass one).  Or how about letting someone in when they are waiting to come out of a parking lot.
  4. Bring some treats when you go into a doctor’s office, bank, or any place you frequently visit.
  5. Help a neighbor with their yard.
  6. Take care of someones children for the afternoon.
  7. Hold the door open for others.
  8. Pay for someones items today (store, food, coffee, etc)
  9. Make sure to greet people that you meet throughout the day.  Some people may not respond but at least you tried and you never know if they might return the gesture to someone else during the day.
  10. Interact with cashiers. 
  11. Send a new friend an e-card.  Building your own friendships helps children with the skills to create their own.
  12. Stop the tongue.  When tempted to say something adopt the philosophy -for that moment “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”

Do you have any?

Have a “Random Acts of Kindness” day!  🙂

Take some time for yourself and do this Banana Face Mask

Banana Face Mask   (I do not have a reference as I don’t remember where I got it from)

  • 1 cup natural (unflavored) yogurt
  • 1 tblsp honey
  • 1 mashed banana

Combine all in a bowl.  Mix well and spread on your face.  Leave on for about 10 minutes and rinse off.

This is a great way to use up bananas that have gotten a little dark.  Take a few minutes and enjoy.
