Last night my hubby went to bed before I did.  He is up bright and early and works long days.  Since we are off of school (and on holiday -see earlier post) I am not up as early as he is.

I climb into bed at 11:30ish and didn’t want to wake him.  A few minutes later the cat meows.  She is very loud.  Next thing I know the Godzilla cat, who always sleeps in my oldest son’s room, is up on our bed!!!  “What are you doing here?”

He tries to settle in but I can tell that my hubby is now stirred.

I carry the “Godzilla” cat into our oldest son’s room and climb into bed.  Hubby rolls over and snuggles in tight

Meanwhile, back at the farm, the other cat (who does sleep with us me) is on the other side.  Hubby’s arm is tight on my right side, kitty’s paw on the left shoulder.  Okay!

I stare at the ceiling realizing I am not going to be moving for awhile.

“It’s kind of cold in here for it being Arizona and all.”  I think to myself.  “Hubby sure did a fine job with the swamp cooler.”

“It was hot today.”

“I wonder what happen to that redish shirt.”


Intermission for the 15 minute cat bath that I am not in a position to stop as my arm is pinned.

“You have got to be kidding!!!”

“I have got to be more positive about this!”

“Humm…this will make for a good blog if I can remember it.”

“Why is it that snores change sound?”

“I wonder what time it is.”

“Ok, my arm has now become numb.” 

I access the snores and believe hubby is out enough for me to make my move.

I slowly move my arm.  My back is too stiff to be going this slow.  “The water aerobics must be working.”

Cat starts meowing…”Will you stop already!!!”.

I moved around a tad and what do you know, I think I found an inch of space on the bed that I could have.

Cat thinks this is now time for her to climb on my tummy and get some attention.  “I don’t think so!” 

I take cat and put her back where she goes.  Now she doesn’t think so.   She moves.

“Where did she go now?” 

“Is she going to climb next to hubby?..That won’t work.”

The cat finally settles back in and hubby too, but I really am not comfortable.  I don’t know about you but it takes me a few minutes to get settled and that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen.

“Okay, should I get up and go write the blog, or watch a movie, or bake something?”

“No, stay put!”

Time is 12:20.  “Is that all?”

“Count to 100..count sheep,,count something!!!”

“Did the doors get locked?”

“So if I get up how will I not stir everyone?” 

“The cat will have to be moved.”, I answer my own question.

“No, go to sleep!”

“If I try to get up and pretend I am going to the bathroom maybe that will work.”

“If you get up the kitty will go with and then you will never get back in as she will meow again.”



“But what if you forget how this goes for your blog?”

“How can you have a conversation with yourself?”

“Did you ever notice that when you talk to yourself it seems like your mouth moves a little?”

“You know you are not going to sleep right now.  You are too worried about moving around and waking up hubby.”

“What’s that sound?”

“Okay, up to the bathroom you go.”

I get up and make a move to the bathroom.  I listen very carefully to the snore sounds to make sure it didn’t awake the hubby.  I tip toe into the bathroom and partially shut the door.  I listen.  He is still asleep..yeah!

Off to the office me and the kitty go.  Kitty comes up on my lap and I get blinded by the computer light.

It’s 1:27 am and I am not sure what to do now.

“Man it sure is dark in here.”

Now my legs are sore because kitty is resting on my lap and I am on the tips of my toes so she doesn’t slide down. 

“I can’t move the kitty.”  “She is so comfortable and happy.” 

“My back and feet are sore.” 

“Maybe I can pick her up gently and go over to the couch and she won’t stir too much.”

I think I need help!

Have a “Space Filled” Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (Oops, sorry I fell asleep at the computer desk.) Day!






Today’s tip is on our undergarments.  I have to admit that I need this more than anyone else I know.  I just recently got rid of my nursing bras to which I got 11 years ago!!!  I still have underwear from my bridal shower (14 years ago).  Until recently I would wash them in the regular load.  It’s bad.  I need an intervention 🙂

I have been trying to improve on this area and have started using a lingerie bag for these items and washing them more delicately.

Here are some tips I have found.  I hope you find them useful!
(Taken from here: )

Wear & Care

Caring for Intimate Wear

Always follow the care label. For bras that require hand washing, use a cleaning product designed for delicate fabrics.

For machine-washable bras and panties, always attach hooks and eyes to prevent tangling and snagging. Then, place garments in a zippered lingerie bag.

Remember: harsh detergents are not only bad for bras, they may also cause irritated skin.

Don’t dry bras in a clothes dryer — this greatly decreases the lifespan of lingerie. Instead, air dry by draping across hooks or hangers.

Rotate, rotate, rotate — Give bras a day to “rest” to return to their original fit and to prolong elasticity.

Time is running down for the A-Z tip contest.  If you wish to enter please link any of my A-Z tips on your blog and let me know.  I will then enter you and a name will be drawn at the end of the tips.  Here is what you are playing for:

Have a “delicate” day!

Have you ever played that game?  It’s a fun game to do in the car.  To play you use the alphabet and go around naming things that one would take on a trip

“I’m going on a trip and I am taking an APPLE.”

The next person says “I’m going on a trip and I’m taking an APPLE and  BAGGAGE”
Until you get to Z.  This is a great memory game as well.

I thought that this was an appropriate game since I am doing my A-Z tips and today’s is T for travel.

If you are traveling this summer with your family get an autograph book that you can use as a souvenir.  Have everyone you meet sign it.  If you are going to visit relatives or friends make sure they sign it.  And encourage them to add more than their name.  If you are visiting National Parks have the Park Rangers add their name and why they love the Park you are visiting.  The kids can get anyone they meet to add their signature or comment.  You may even want your signers to add recommendations of places to visit or their favorite thing about where they live. 

This makes for a low cost project during the trip and a great keepsake afterwards.

Have a “Safe Travels” Day!

P.S. – Speaking of T…Time is running down for my first contest.  If you want to enter before I hit Z, link any of my A-Z tips on your blog and let me know about it.  I will enter you in for a terrific prize.  Check out what you will be playing for:

Since my name starts with D, I think it’s a very nice letter 🙂  Today’s D tip is on DECORATING.


Get back to nature in you home when decorating…

Take the items that around you and use them for decoration.  If you have pine cones use them as a display in a bowl on your table.  What about fruit.  A few pieces of the same fruit in a cylinder vase is beautiful.  Or you can use: cinnamon sticks, driftwood, seashells, herbs, rocks, wildflowers, ETC!!!!  It’s spring time.  Can you cut some flowers and bring them inside?

You can also make these choices when you want major changes in your home.  I remember hearing that darker flooring brings a feeling of being outdoors (like dirt).  Hey my kids must have known about that one for a long time 🙂  And painting the walls to resemble the outdoors brightens our moods.  Like light green (trees) or blue to match the sky.

Don’t forget about lighting, music, and aroma to get the feel of your home just right.  Use essential oils instead of store fragrances for a more natural scent in your home.  Or take leftover orange peels and some cloves and simmer them on a pot in the stove (with some water).

A few months ago I found a blog who was discussing how they couldn’t afford to go on vacation to the tropics all the time so they made their home look like paradise.  It was tropical all over.  They felt like they lived where they vacationed.  How cool is that?

So the next time you are making choices for decorating find a way to get back to nature in color, feeling, textures, etc!  Make your home a place where you can rest and be peaceful.  Why not since we spend so much time there right?

Have a “Decorated” Day!

 P.S. – Don’t forget about my contest.  What contest you ask?  Well since you asked and all…here goes.  If you ping/link back to any of the A-Z tips, on your blog, please let me know in the comments.  I will enter you in my first ever contest with a fantastic prize.  If you don’t have a blog then just leave a comment and let me know that you don’t have a blog.  I will announce the prize soon.  The prize will be drawn at the end of the A-Z tips.



The “B” tip for the day will be for BEAUTY. 

Take time for a Mom Spa Night.  Either do by yourself or with some friends.

Gather up –

  • A Robe (if you own one)
  • Slippers
  • Pitcher of Water with Lemon Slices (clean the skin of the lemon first) and maybe some Tea
  • Some Light Food such as Fruit, Veggies, Bread/Crackers, and Cheese
  • Soft Music
  • Candles or Soften the lights
  • A Journal (if alone) and make sure to write down 10 of your Blessings if with some friends have everyone go around the room to give their list of blessings
  • Powdered Milk or 5 tea bags for a nice bath (if it’s just you)
  • Something to soak your feet in
  • Make a homemade beauty product to try (I have a couple of recipes below that you can try)
  • Items for a manicure or pedicure
  • Maybe a Chick Flick
  • Lotion (get your favorite)

Fresh Face Cleanser

1 Tbsp Plain or Vanilla Yogurt

3/4 c Lemon Juice

Mix together and ally to face.  Rinse with warm water

Hand Softner

Wash hands in warm water.

1 Tbsp Honey

1 Tbsp Olive Oil

Massage into hands.  Cover hands with saran wrap, baggies, or cotton gloves for 30 min.

It may seem like this is bigger than just a tip but the point is to take time for yourself.  Our Mom job require us to be refreshed and feeling good about ourselves.  So plan your day now and put it on the calendar!  That’s an order 🙂

DON’T FORGET – If you ping or link back to my post on your blog (any tip A-Z) you will enter for a chance to win in my first contest.  If you don’t have a blog, leave a comment and let me know that you don’t have a blog and I will put you in the running.

Have a “Beautiful” Day

Oh boy, is that a loaded question or what?

I heard a radio announcer talk about how when we ask for wisdom (but this can also apply to anything like patience, perseverance, etc) that we sometimes may think that it will be given to us completely and/or that we can fully obtain it all at once.  If we were to get it all at once the announcer posed the question that isn’t that idolatry?  Aren’t we then trying to be God like and never rely on God again? WOW idolatry! Hmmm

I thought this was a very interesting thought.  If we were to get it all at once we wouldn’t need to turn to God.  God DOES give us what we need at the time but not more as we might become as Satan did and think that we are equal to God.  And let’s face it don’t we already have enough control issues as it is?  God has complete control and sovereignty.  We will get enough to get us through but to also know that we need to still keep coming back to Him for more.  We don’t get all the water from the fountain at once do we?  No, we have to go back as needed.  We can’t store it all up like a camel, and we can’t store up God so that we will never need Him and become our own god.

So when I ask for to be a great Mom and I am a work in progress that is what God wants?  When I lack patience in a situation (provided I didn’t behave ungodly) I am where I need to be?  Maybe….???  Of course God wants me to grow and keep close to Him, but I am not going to do it without Him!

This principal reminds me of parenting.  (I think so many people come back to faith when they have children because they better understand the role of God in our lives.)  As a parent our child may ask for new clothes and we give them what they need for that time.  We don’t go to the store and buy clothes until they are 18.  Even though they will need clothes that long you wouldn’t do  it.  Styles and taste change, bodies grow differently, and they just don’t need all that stuff right now; it would be overwhelming.

Isn’t it awesome that God gives us just what we need to get through at that time?  All we need to do is stay home (close to God in prayer and His word), keep asking, and he will provide all our needs in His perfect time.

Have a “just what you need” kind of day!  🙂

It’s always hard to know what to do to make a difference in this world.  Sometimes as a mom, who is indoors most of the time, it’s overwhelming.  Of course I am making a difference in my children’s lives, hopefully for the better, but my children will know goodwill by my actions toward others.  I have learned that often it’s seeking out little moments that can make a difference.

Here are a few ideas and if you have some please don’t forget to share them, k?  I know many of them aren’t that original but it may get you thinking of something that works for you to incorporate into your day to bring a smile to another person’s face.

  1. Are there any families in your church, neighborhood, or circle of friends that are struggling financially?  Can you take some groceries or send a card to encourage them during this time?
  2. Compliment someone that you see today.  This is great for children to see that compliments are for more than just the family.  And I bet it will also make the person’s day.
  3. Be kind on the road.  Say a prayer for all those involved in an accident (if you pass one).  Or how about letting someone in when they are waiting to come out of a parking lot.
  4. Bring some treats when you go into a doctor’s office, bank, or any place you frequently visit.
  5. Help a neighbor with their yard.
  6. Take care of someones children for the afternoon.
  7. Hold the door open for others.
  8. Pay for someones items today (store, food, coffee, etc)
  9. Make sure to greet people that you meet throughout the day.  Some people may not respond but at least you tried and you never know if they might return the gesture to someone else during the day.
  10. Interact with cashiers. 
  11. Send a new friend an e-card.  Building your own friendships helps children with the skills to create their own.
  12. Stop the tongue.  When tempted to say something adopt the philosophy -for that moment “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”

Do you have any?

Have a “Random Acts of Kindness” day!  🙂

Thursday is whatever I feel like day and since my resolution is to work on knowing more about blogging I want to explore comments on blogs today.   So if you are not one that normally comments on blogs you will have to get over it today my friend 🙂

I want need to know what makes you comment (or not) on a blog. 

Do you only comment on blogs you read often?  

Ones that you are trying to get to view your blog?  

What about the ones that do contests?

Ones that trigger deep feelings?

If you have time?

People you would like to be blogging friends with?

What makes it worth your time?


Please post your comment, if you think it’s worth your time, to share with the class what makes you stop in your tracks and send a message to the writer.

I have a dream, not that deep, to one day blog my way to a year long RV United States Tour with my family.  Maybe you will help me do that.  Someday!  Wouldn’t that be so cool?

I had to do a show today so I didn’t have much time to squeeze in a post.  I did want to leave a thought to ponder for this beautiful Sunday evening.  Our Pastor talked about time and business keeping us from God’s work.  His quote today was:

 “The devil doesn’t need to make us bad, he just keeps us busy.” 

Chew on that, and I will see you tomorrow!

Take some time for yourself and do this Banana Face Mask

Banana Face Mask   (I do not have a reference as I don’t remember where I got it from)

  • 1 cup natural (unflavored) yogurt
  • 1 tblsp honey
  • 1 mashed banana

Combine all in a bowl.  Mix well and spread on your face.  Leave on for about 10 minutes and rinse off.

This is a great way to use up bananas that have gotten a little dark.  Take a few minutes and enjoy.
