Who me?  Yes, you.  Couldn’t be.  Then Who?

Today’s A-Z tip is Y for You.

This is an easy one but so easy to forget. 

So often we make lists of everything we need to do.  We also make lists, that keep us up at night, of everything we didn’t do.  How about writing a list of what went well or did get accomplished that day?  

Tonight write a list, try to get at least five, of things that did go well, got accomplished, God restrained you, mistakes avoided, happy moments, etc to focus on before you go to bed.  Thank God for all that He helped you with and end the day right.  Think of a time when you didn’t loose your temper and you usually do.  What about the time you didn’t want to clean a room but when it was done you felt accomplished?  Include everything you can think of and celebrate with God the accomplishments of the day.






What do you say?  Are you up for the challenge?

Disclaimer – Of course I realize it’s important for us to confess our sins and this is not to avoid doing such, but I think so much time is focused on what didn’t go well that our motivation goes south and then we are discouraged.  I think He wants us to realize the good that He does through us.  That in the end is what keeps us doing more for
his kingdom.

Can you believe tomorrow is the last day of the A-Z tips?  You won’t want to miss Z.  Of course that means my contest will be ending.  Tomorrow will be the last day you can enter.  To participate you will need to link any of my A-Z tips on your blog and let me know.  I will enter you.  I will draw soon so hurry up and link up.
Have a “Positive” Day!

Have you ever played that game?  It’s a fun game to do in the car.  To play you use the alphabet and go around naming things that one would take on a trip

“I’m going on a trip and I am taking an APPLE.”

The next person says “I’m going on a trip and I’m taking an APPLE and  BAGGAGE”
Until you get to Z.  This is a great memory game as well.

I thought that this was an appropriate game since I am doing my A-Z tips and today’s is T for travel.

If you are traveling this summer with your family get an autograph book that you can use as a souvenir.  Have everyone you meet sign it.  If you are going to visit relatives or friends make sure they sign it.  And encourage them to add more than their name.  If you are visiting National Parks have the Park Rangers add their name and why they love the Park you are visiting.  The kids can get anyone they meet to add their signature or comment.  You may even want your signers to add recommendations of places to visit or their favorite thing about where they live. 

This makes for a low cost project during the trip and a great keepsake afterwards.

Have a “Safe Travels” Day!

P.S. – Speaking of T…Time is running down for my first contest.  If you want to enter before I hit Z, link any of my A-Z tips on your blog and let me know about it.  I will enter you in for a terrific prize.  Check out what you will be playing for:


I couldn’t do a tip on just one R it had to be 3.  Of course my R tip is going to be on Reduce, Reuse, and Recycling.

As I have stated before these are in proper order.  Reducing first, Reusing second, and finally Recycle.

Today’s tip is easy.  The reusable bags are everywhere and are very cheap (unless you go for the designer ones).  Do you have any?  Pick up a few and keep them in a basket in your car.  Just don’t forget to take them in the store when you go (like I have done on a few occassions).  Some store will even give you a credit for bringing in your own bags.  Since grocery prices are on the rise I’ll take any credit I can get!  How about you?

Have a “(R)elaxing” Day!

P.S. – To enter my contest all you have to do in link any of my A-Z tips on your blog and let me know you did so.  I will enter you in my contest to win some great products!  I will draw the prize after the Z tip.  It’s coming up quickly!  Check out the prize here:


I was away from the house this weekend so I didn’t get a chance to write any tips.  I left off at N so today we will be on Q.  Just testing you to see if you have learned your alphabet.  Is there anyone else that needs to sing the alphabet to file something?  🙂 


If you know me you know I like to organize.  I find that I work better in less chaos.  So today’s simple tip is to look around your home and pick 5 things that don’t make your heart happy and give them away.  The less things we have to take care of allows us to focus on the things we do want to take care of.

Disclaimer – This is meant for your things not hubby’s favorite (UGLY!!) shirt that he has had since 1979 and the odds of fitting into it again is about as likely as children obeying you for an entire day.  Or the childs toy that won’t be parted with even though it’s broken in more pieces than a lego set.  No, I am not suggesting that you remove those.  Keep it to your items only for a less stressful event 🙂


Have a “Purging”  Day! 


Almost forgot.  Don’t you too forget about my contest.  Ping/link any of my A-Z tips on your blog for a chance to win my very first ever blog contest.  Let me know when you do and I will enter you.  See Wanna know what you are playing for to see the beautiful products you can win.


The “B” tip for the day will be for BEAUTY. 

Take time for a Mom Spa Night.  Either do by yourself or with some friends.

Gather up –

  • A Robe (if you own one)
  • Slippers
  • Pitcher of Water with Lemon Slices (clean the skin of the lemon first) and maybe some Tea
  • Some Light Food such as Fruit, Veggies, Bread/Crackers, and Cheese
  • Soft Music
  • Candles or Soften the lights
  • A Journal (if alone) and make sure to write down 10 of your Blessings if with some friends have everyone go around the room to give their list of blessings
  • Powdered Milk or 5 tea bags for a nice bath (if it’s just you)
  • Something to soak your feet in
  • Make a homemade beauty product to try (I have a couple of recipes below that you can try)
  • Items for a manicure or pedicure
  • Maybe a Chick Flick
  • Lotion (get your favorite)

Fresh Face Cleanser

1 Tbsp Plain or Vanilla Yogurt

3/4 c Lemon Juice

Mix together and ally to face.  Rinse with warm water

Hand Softner

Wash hands in warm water.

1 Tbsp Honey

1 Tbsp Olive Oil

Massage into hands.  Cover hands with saran wrap, baggies, or cotton gloves for 30 min.

It may seem like this is bigger than just a tip but the point is to take time for yourself.  Our Mom job require us to be refreshed and feeling good about ourselves.  So plan your day now and put it on the calendar!  That’s an order 🙂

DON’T FORGET – If you ping or link back to my post on your blog (any tip A-Z) you will enter for a chance to win in my first contest.  If you don’t have a blog, leave a comment and let me know that you don’t have a blog and I will put you in the running.

Have a “Beautiful” Day

I came up with an idea to do a tip of the day starting with the letter of the alphabet.  These tips will cover all sorts of subjects as I am an informationaholic, remember? 

Today I will start with A.  I will go to the end so stay with me for all the tips each day.  After that I will be holding my first contest.  If you link back to any of my A -Z Tips on your blog please put that in my comments with your (ping) post/link for a chance to win.  The prize, well you will just have to stay tuned.

A – This can go both ways as it’s an auto tip and an aromatherapy one as well.

Are you in your car all the time?  Try cinnamon or peppermint scents to be more alert.  Take a spray bottle and dilute the essential oil with water.  (The essential oil bottle should have this on it.)  Spray in the car for a non-toxic pick me up.  You can also try citrus scents as well. 

Essential Oils can be a great alternative to fragrances that you purchase at the store.  Once diluted a little goes a long way and you don’t have all those chemicals that you are breathing in. 

Have an “A+” Day